Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. In this blog i will explore and make simple the world of Chemistry. This was actually an assignment in my Chemistry class, but i want to use this opportunity to give people my views and perspectives of the wonderful world of Chemistry through a students eyes.

I love learning and exploring and i am happy to be able to share my discoveries with you all. I love Science and i will break it down and make it more easy to understand because we are all in the same boat;  learning and discovering together. So i hope you will join me in this wonderful path toward  better understanding.

I dream of better understanding made simple and i hope to make the information simple and direct. I want to help others because i know science can be difficult  and confusing. So i will try my best to help others better understand the world of  Chemistry by using the sciences as a knowledge guide to wisdom and understanding of our world.

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