My Name:
Hi i am the element Nickel my atomic number is # 28.
Here are other ways to say my name.Nikkel in Dutch
Nickel in English,Swedish,German,and French
Niquel in Spanish and Portuguese
My Nucleus:
I have 28 protons and about 2 neutrons in my most common isotope. My natural occuring isotopes and their abudance in nature are :
58 Ni 89%
60 Ni 0%
61 Ni 6%
62 Ni 17%
64 Ni 9%
My average atomic mass is around 58.7
I have 4 shells. When there is a neutral atom, i only have 28 electrons.
My Atom:
{ 1 picometer = 1 pm = 10-12 m }
Å =One ten-billionth of a meter
My atomic radius is 149pm or 1.62Å.
My Properties:
I am a silvery white metal that is malleable. I resist corrosion but am able to dissolve in acids. I am unaffected by alkalis. My melting point is 1453°C.
My Home ( Body,Planet,Universe)
ppb (parts per billion; 1 billion = 109)
Universe - 60000 ppb in weight
Earths Crust-90000 ppb in weight
Humans- .01 grams
My Compounds:
These are four examples of compunds:
Nickel difluoride: NiF2

Nickel diodide: NiI2

Nickel Oxide: NiO

Nickel sulphide: Nis

My Story:
I was discovered by Baron Axel Frederik Cronstedt in 1751. . He expected to extract copper from a minneral called niccolite but got nothing at all instead he got a white metal that he called nickel after the mineral from which it was extracted.
My jobs:
Nickel used for the manufacture of coins, magnets and common household utensils.
Tubing is usually made of a copper-nickel alloy and is extensively used in making desalination plants for converting sea water into fresh water. Also nickel steel is used for armour plate and burglar-proof vaults. Nickel can also sometimes be used to provide a protective coating for other metals.
Bet you didnt know!
When i first picked to research about the element Nickel, the first thing that popped into my head was the coin. So i did a little research and in the United States, the term "nickel" or "nick" was first used forv the copper-nickel Indian cent coin which was introduced in 1859. Later, the name was used for the three-cent coin introduced in 1865, and the following year the five-cent shield nickel used the name which has remained ever since. Coins of pure nickel were first used in Switzerland in 1881.
If you would like to learn more please click onto the link to learn more about the element Nickel.
My Reference: heres a link to